
Where to begin?! Coming here was one of the best decisions I've ever made. First off, because I lost 30 lbs over a nine-month period, and at forty, and after two children, I am happy with the way I look! Who knew it could be done!! With Elise, I found my "happy place" in working out—I found that I absolutely love strength-training, and I will continue with it for as long as my body will allow. I also took part in Elise's 30 for 30 program, and not only did I see awesome results, but I learned a new way to eat that is permanent, and that will sustain the results I achieved. I was so apprehensive about it; I really love my pastas, wine, and just indulging in food—I hated thinking about it... but I have to say, it was not nearly as difficult as I thought, and after setting it all up and going through the steps, it really does become just part of your life.
Secondly, Elise's endearingly named, "car hole" provided a refuge, a safe space; one of comfort and comradery... It is a unique, small, personal experience, one that you feel lucky to be a part of—I know I sure do. I have moved out of the area, and will miss Elise and the wonderful, strong women I had the pleasure of getting to know. I am forever grateful to Beechwood Bells for everything they have given me. It wouldn't be possible to recommend it enough. So go already!!!
— T.P.
“I've been training with Elise for four years and I’ve never been stronger. The younger women I work with come to me when they need to move something heavy. Elise is always there not only to keep an eye on my form and help me improve my hinge and squat, but she’s a great friend. I love to spend an hour with her multiple times a week. Her garage gym business is the best thing that’s ever happened to my fitness lifestyle, and now my two grown daughters come to train as well. Each of them has different needs which Elise zeroes in on on coaches. They love to go heavy now, and blast through new goals. I can’t recommend Elise more, but I also want to keep her all to myself!”
— J.R.
“Elise Miller has created a safe space where women of different fitness levels come together and get shit done. Her small training classes are filled with supportive, strong, badass women. Elise practices what she preaches - good form, hard work, dedication, attainable goals. She is committed to learning more and teaching better. Because of Elise, I have found my place in the gym.”
— A.S.
“Elise is magnificent. She is knowledgeable top to bottom, inside and out as a trainer and shares her expertise sculpting her students into strong, fit warriors! Form is a must with Elise as she pushes you gently and consistently so that one day you realize you can actually beat your last PR or do that pull-up you never could. Going to her gym makes you stronger and happier, a one hour class is full of sweat and plenty of laughter. Elise is true master who cares deeply about her clients and turns us all into her masterpieces. Work with Elise and you will get strong and achieve what you never expected of yourself.”
— J.B.